Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Aureus Dachshunds

We love Miniature Dachshunds, Tweenie Dachshunds and all sizes. We have met many wonderful people, fellow Dachshund lovers, or just animal lovers at large. Our love for the breed and our desire to create a Miniature Dachshunds with all the attributes that make them unique, led us to begin a breeding program, small, allowing us to give each dog and puppy individual attention and love.
One of our best friends makes a game of seeing if she can remember all our Dachshunds' names when she visits she is getting better and better remembering their names, and oh, they know her well and her husband.
There is a saying circulated among people who already love the breed or are attempting to find our more information on them.

If you have never owned Dachshunds no explanation is Possible

If you have owned Dachshunds no explanation is necessary

The second part of the above statement, we who have been loved by Dachshunds smile and understand.
If you enjoy photos of Dachshunds please visit our website at www.aureusdachshunds.com

Sit back, put your feet up, and take a step with us into the magical world of miniature dachshunds

Your feedback on our site will be appreciated and sharing other sites with me as well. If you know someone who is super good at building a better website, affordable please share that with me as well. I am constantly looking for ways to update an create new options for out site that others will enjoy. We are on a budget as we take great care of our Dachshunds, they deserve the best we can afford, and they get it.

Check back to my blog as I will be sharing things I have learned in the care of Dachshunds, hopefully funny and heart tugging stories as well. I look forward to posting on this blog it is a step I have longed to take for a while, so applaud me, for finally starting my own blog, please.

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